The Benefits of Treadmills & Spas
PREPARE – Using a treadmill regularly means when you’re ready to train, your horse is ready.
Whether pre training, coming back from a spell or post rehabilitation, using a treadmill to prepare your horse means low impact but very effective training can commence before you’re ready to ride. So when you do start training, you’re working with muscles and condition that have been built up evenly and effectively so you can move onto the next stage and progress quickly.
PERFORM – Train with equipment that builds strength and condition.
Typically training horses creates inherent asymmetrical issues and small soft tissue injuries occur. Incorporating treadmill and spa use in your training means that any underlying injuries are being treated and strengthened, the horse is non-invasively forced to walk straight and evenly building muscles and ensuring the back and hindquarters are working. Fitness goals can be achieved more easily with less time and space requirements and the addition of water provides resistance training and builds core strength.
RECOVER – Get back out there quicker and stronger than before.
Post injury or surgery means a break. The longer that break, the longer the recovery time. With equipment like a spa and treadmill at your disposal, your horse’s recovery time is significantly reduced. Even when they can’t be lightly worked, tendons and ligaments can be getting healing spa therapy, and the buoyancy of the water in a water treadmill reduces impact and enables them to begin effective yet low stress exercise earlier. The clear sides mean gait analysis can occur at each stage of the recovery process.