Getting the most out of your warm up with Activo-Med



Did you know that you can use Activo-Med as part of your daily warm up routine? Both the Combi-Pro and Combi-Sport rugs are equipped with a relaxing, circulation boosting, pre-warm up program. The sequence begins with 15 minutes of Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field therapy (PEMF) at a 12Hz frequency, which warms the horse and accelerates cellular activity. Following this, the treatment then flows into ten minutes of combined PEMF and cyclonic massage, which increases blood flow to the muscles, and loosens the horse up prior to work.

Horse a little anxious prior to training or competition? In these instances, an alternative, relaxation based pre-warm up program can be selected. Beginning with 15 minutes of PEMF at a lower frequency of 8 Hz, the program concludes by combining this PEMF with ten minutes of gentle, rolling massage, designed to ease tension and enhance relaxation.

The pre-warm up options are a favourite amongst Activo-Med riders, with Olympian client Carl Hester commenting on the noticeable ways in which its improved his warm up routines:

“We use the Activo-Med equipment for all types of dressage horses – young horses, old horses – and the reason we use it is really to help us have an edge on our horse’s warm ups and cool downs.”

“I use the rug on all the competition horses and find them to be noticeably softer and looser as a result.”

Interested in learning more about how the Activo-Med systems can enhance your horses training and warm up routine? Talk to us today.

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