Battery Charger


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These battery chargers are for the Activo Med Battery.

These chargers are made for Aust/NZ customers and have the Australian connection. If you require a European charger, please contact us.

If you need a replacement battery and charger, you can buy these together here.

Not sure what charger you require?

This can be easily identified by looking at the product label on the back of your battery

2023 onwards charger – This is compatible with Battery labeled, Battery Typ 3

Pre 2023 charger – This is compatible with Typ 1 and Typ 2 batteries. Some batteries do not have a product label on the back (Typ 1) and Typ 2 will be shown on the product label.

I’m not sure, please check for me? – Were here to help ensure the correct battery charger is chosen for you after check out.


†NZ Prices not inclusive of GST

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